2024. April 29.
BME organizes a conference on supporting the student life of foreign students, from career guidance to integration and student services to alumni. In the first section of the conference, we will learn about BME's internationalization strategy, the organizational units dealing with foreign students and the Student Life Path Program, which has been operating successfully since 2022. Then, the interested colleagues share their experiences, collect good practices and develop university-level proposals in the framework of a workshop session on the highlighted topics. At the conference, a poster exhibition presents university programs aimed at supporting foreign students. The professional program is in Hungarian, and our academic colleagues are primarily welcome to participate. The poster session is held in English, and we welcome applications from our international students!
Time and venue: 15. 05. 2024. 09:00 - 15:30 | BME Ceremonial hall
Registration: The event is free, but registration is required, which is available here: https://regisztracio.bme.hu/muegyetem-a-nemzetkozi-hallgatokert-20240515
More information: Tamás Lovas lovas.tamas@emk.bme.hu